The End Of Eternal Damnation Poem by Nicole Henson

The End Of Eternal Damnation

nothing to see, to hear
this dream of darkness is not real
it is just the darkest part of my imagination
but why would I dream such things......
here I stand in the night
beneath the waning moon who wants to shine
the stench of fresh blood fills the air around my being
no, its an aroma..... I love this smell
death....that’s what I sense.
death and fresh blood
I see red flowing down my arms, no....crimson...
blood flows down from me, but I feel no wound
what am I holding?
its cold....and heavy.... no, its getting lighter
mmmmm....the taste.....
it lingers on my tongue as I drink....I’m drinking?
what am I, I’m sucking not drinking....its so dark
the moon, please shine your light
show me where I am, what am I doing here....
the clouds disperse and I can see...oh thank you moon!
I look down at my weighted arms and see what I am doing cant be.....this is not happening.......
I stare at the cold dead eyes of a person....a lost soul
a wound is at his throat, its a man. the wound is leaking sweet blood
it calls to me......
I scream and dropp his body, 'Who am I! ? '
I run, no I’m flying, this speed given to me is amazing...but its wrong
I stop in an abandoned park....its early, four A.M. maybe.
a being is still here though.....who...... oh no
its him, I remember
he did this to me, he made me a killer, he gave this thirst to me
he did this because he loved me.....and...I love him.
but I want to die, I cant live
a steak lies on the ground
sweet peace comes before he can save me
I cry a single tear
he holds me, and I die

Nicole Henson

Nicole Henson

Decatur Texas
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