The Force That Placed Us Here Cannot Be Trusted Poem by Robert Ronnow

The Force That Placed Us Here Cannot Be Trusted

At dinner, Zach asks
about our nation's history, wars.
I say We're taking on everyone, one at a time.

First Britain, then Britain again: 'He was the surly English
      pluck, and there is no tougher or truer, and never
      was, and never will be.'
Next Mexico: 'Death is indifferent to what hide he tans;
      life crushes men like flies.'
The War Between the States: 'Well done, Mr.
      Cromartie. Time now for rest.'

Most of Latin America: 'Not only humans longed for
      liberation. All ecology groaned for it too. The
      revolution is also one of lakes, rivers, trees, animals.'
Then Southeast Asia: 'The slight bump the mortars make
      as they kiss the tube goodbye. Then the furious rain,
      a fist driving home the message: Boy, you don't
      belong here.'
Now the Middle East: 'A land to be admired like all
      lands. Harsh mountains and deserts, indigenous
      plants and people, adapted ungulates, carnivorous

Can't forget the Krauts & Nips: 'Then I heard the
      bomber call me in: Little Friend, Little Friend, I got
      two engines on fire. Can you see me, Little Friend? '
Nor the Commies: 'You mixed up farewell to an epoch
      with the beginning of a new one. I put this book here
      for you, who once lived, so that you should visit us
      no more.'
The original indigenous people say: 'In time we'll
      become prosperous, or else we'll become martyrs.
      The force that placed us here cannot be trusted.'

- with lines from Walt Whitman, Tristan Corbiere, Sterling Brown, Ernesto Cardenal, Kevin Bowen,  Czeslaw Milosz and Ray A.Young Bear

Thursday, January 1, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: death,friend,history,mountains,people,revolution ,rivers,time,trust,war
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