The Measure Of A Man Poem by Ogolla Enock

The Measure Of A Man

The place to know the true nature and measure
of a man is not by his popularity, intellect,
religiosity or reputation but in His own Home
and how he deals with those under his care.

Cursed is the man, who makes home hell,
who cuts the hands that formed and fed Him,
Who offloads on the back of His wife or
inflicts fear or anger on the face of children.

He may seem good on paper or eloquent in speech
but if he is a threat to the well-being of his household
and if his home is in chaos and yet he sleeps instead
of calling things to order then he has failed on his part.

If His fellows and family dread His presence because
He carries troubles, cruelty, and attitude wherever he goes,
or if he is domineering and chokes everything that grows
around him then he is unworthy of his office.

But if he is a good steward of all things under His care,
and a good soil that enables the growth of every seed in him
if everyone blossoms in his arms and the face of his woman
and children radiate with a noble love and abundance of life

If he gains favor in God's eyes and is blessed by fellow men,
Because he does well his part, both at home and away,
with reverence to God and respect to man, then it matters
not his position, possession, or occupation, He is a man,
a man indeed; worthy the emulation, and he will prosper.

Ogolla Enock - 28th August 2023.

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