The Morning Poem by Dr Shamim ali

The Morning

The Morning
The morning zephyr from garden filled the earth and sky
Which scent such of which every fragrance was shy
Clean as pearls the dew drops were to eye gain
And under par flowers were in haelth again
Each blossom blooming was with loveliness rare
The yellow daffodils flashing fire were every where
Pearls presented the lavender of jasmine fair
Fragrance of jasmine scented the morning air
Blown was the musky scent of plants in the vale
And resonance was the songs of Nightingale
Came up the morning fairy with the red rose
Rising sun and drove away the shadows of those
Dark night lost her magnificent grace
lightend the glittery makeup of her face
Raised as the king of east his blazing head
With the sign of pure gold wide spread
Flown fast were gloominesss from the fields in dread
Combatant ferocious who had his forces led
Cut his lance into the eye of darkness
And threw it the west far-off the stillness
Shamim Ali

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