The Race And Color Of Our Soul Poem by ROGEL FRANCIS SORIOSO

The Race And Color Of Our Soul

Some Asians were once black or white
Some are shorter or taller in height
They have eyes that are green and blue
They have eyebrows that are thicker than glue
Their hair color could be blonde or brunette
Style that looks good on some Asians
Style that looks good on most Caucasians
These are the things you never thought would ever happen
Until I've started to write the words I had spoken
The soul could also be heard and seen
It's the knowledge and virtue passed in between
Without the soul the flesh shall die and rot
The body shall lose its energy and drain of what its got
For it is not the soul that dies during death
But merely the flesh that expires and lose its breath
The soul has the freedom to choose its culture, race and name
Like a player who decides which character to use in a video game
A leader is obeyed by its followers wherever he may be
In a grid that connects all our souls like some branches on a tree
The soul could change its color in order to be acceptable
To prove a point it is forced to challenge the indisputable
We humans are evolving through the interracial process
Which means all color must work together to attain progress
Superiority is no longer displayed by color or nationality
But the ability of a certain individual to show its capability
A field dominated by the Caucasian race and unmatched in accomplishments
Will now finally be paralleled by other race in achievements
Not all white men can rhyme and read
Not all white men can govern and lead
This is the message written in the american constitution
That all men are created equal in the eyes of God and its institution
That we shall no longer use the racial card in this game
But allow others to play if their intentions are the same
That if a visionary could interpret the works of the author and writer
He should be given a chance because he could understand better
Not because he is white just like our founder
But because he could do great things as a leader
The declaration that we wrote to end a strife
Is one of the reasons why we keep coming back to life

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