The Reincarnation Poem by Suhel Akram

The Reincarnation

Reincarnation eventuated blemishing the Avant-graded
scanting theories sculptured cindered punctated,
codex those savant in Greece left emancipated,
are shelf in piles of cravat beneath the decade,
eventuated the reincarnation in the twenties.
down the plain of greens is the prince archetype,
colored the valley superstition credulous at hype.
born he flesh color new and mind still the sane,
rested once hours back in the day the same plain,
nor the sheep grazing on valley greens towards,
nor the sun rose in the east is west sailing,
the river calm and current lament at grief flowing,
for he being the prince of prosperity not breathing.
woke up soul the prince mind earmarked
neither she forlorn maiden knew him resting,
her womb and archetype playing her hand rings
dew points loving every budding tubes meshed
eyes her once grieved cessation of playing prince,
now delectation shaded lament at his smile,
cries his the same as the passed prince,
hears his cries rumor in air on valley,
heard every critter and even the nature
went the current flowing, sheep grazing
and the sun west sailing in enchantment,
the rolling edge of mountain blanketed,
touching bare feet slip down and whispering,
touch again the birth lap complimenting honor,
peak bowed thine at maiden shrined.
she be the first womb reincarnation
at twenties engendered.

Its not delusion rather truth,
around a home with sacred birth,
roses blue lavendish necks with purity,
walls to put peace round the lights,
of shepherdess and stains culture,
and an opening with a waiting note,
for a new bud to grow beneath,
hills in the far sight and Shaw,
shower up the life drops in the gaps wide,
towards a open path in twenties
carving ample color line in heart,
on this day of reincarnation of twenties

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