The Reverse Flash: The Man Who Runs Backwards Poem by Kumbirai Thierry Nhamo

The Reverse Flash: The Man Who Runs Backwards

Rating: 5.0

There's a villain in the DC Universe
Who wields the power to make time reverse
He's known by many names, but one stands out
The Reverse Flash, who runs with a different route

He's the archenemy of the Flash, the Scarlet Speedster
A man who runs backwards, with powers that are sinister
With his red lightning and devilish grin
The Reverse Flash strikes fear deep within

From Eobard Thawne to Zoom, he's worn many faces
His hatred for the Flash never diminishes, never erases
He's a speedster like no other, with tricks up his sleeve
The Reverse Flash is not one to deceive

He's travelled through time, altered the past
Changed events that were meant to last
But with every action, there's a consequence
The Reverse Flash's arrogance, always comes to dispense

He's fought Barry Allen, Wally West, and Jay Garrick too
His speed rivals theirs, but his intentions are askew
He seeks to destroy the Flash, whatever the cost
But the Reverse Flash's victories, are never really lost

His obsession with the Flash, goes beyond measure
He'll do anything to see his enemy's treasure
From killing Barry's mother to wreaking havoc on Central City
The Reverse Flash's hatred is deep, it's a pity

But even with his powers, the Reverse Flash is not invincible
His arrogance and deceit, make him quite predictable
His own ego, often leads to his downfall
The Reverse Flash's fate, is never a ball

So here we stand, with the Reverse Flash still alive
His legacy of chaos, still continues to thrive
But the Flash remains, steadfast in his fight
Against the Reverse Flash, who runs with might

In the end, the Reverse Flash may be defeated
His reign of terror, finally completed
But his presence and power, will never be forgotten
The Reverse Flash will always be a menace, often misbegotten.

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