The Siege Of Manila Poem by James Ephraim McGirt

The Siege Of Manila

A few miles from Manila Bay
Just at the close of a summer day,
The sun had stained as gold the west,
Our fleet was ordered to stop and rest;
After the regular meals were served,
And each returned to the usual place,
Stood gazing all with mute and awe
Into the fiery dome of space;
Stood watching we their steady blaze
As down on us they seemed to gaze.

I never shall forget the night,
The silvery stars were shining bright;
A full-orbed moon hung in the west,
As if to see the great contest;
The wind was of a steady gale,
It was a pleasant night to sail;
The ocean waves were rolling long,
And pealing forth their mournful sound.
Soon from the sea a mist arose,
Then nature's starry book was closed;
And when the night had well nigh passed—
The rosy morn was coming fast;
Before the dawn proclaimed the day,
We sailed to take Manila Bay.
So soon Manila 'vealed in sight,
From out the windows gleamed a light;
And when we saw the deadly guns—
O'er all our fleet a stillness come—
Each man stood waiting by his gun
In perfect stillness, not a breath—
An instant may bring sudden death.
Yet like heroes firm they stand;
They yearned to hear the 'fire' command.
The mist that from the ocean rose
Obscured us from our Spanish foes,
And when the Spaniards did not blast
Among our fleet a whisper passed.

Fortune, it seems, is on our side,
We have entered and are not spied;
Began we by the fort to start,
A distance though we sailed apart,
Then quietly by the guns we stole
As wolves into a shepherd's fold;
Soon all our fleet had safely passed,
Except McCulloch, which was last.
Ah! fortune would not let it pass;
In its furnace occurred a wreck,
And sparks went flying from its stack.
The sparks that from the stack did fly
Met all at once the fortman's eye.
Through glasses they began to peep,
To their surprise they spied our fleet.
A cry of terror! Signals rung,
The shells came blazing from each gun.
Before an instant could have passed,
Around us shells were falling fast;
Their mines in vain they did explode,
But we all safe the harbor rode.
Our captain gave command to fire,
Which seemed to be our soul's desire;
Before the word he could repeat,
The shells went blazing from our fleet;
As we were burn'd with hatred dire,
We filled the air with shells and fire.
And while the battle's raging high
The glowing shells were falling nigh;
Then Dewey back through memory gazed—
And saw the Maine, became enraged;
Then with his dazzling sword in hand
He whirled it high and gave command.
With blazing fury in his eye,
With thundering voice was heard to cry,
'Remember the Maine! Speed! Haste!
Be careful, boys, no shells to waste.'
Remembered they their blood did run;
They hurled revenge through every gun.
Each boat like Vesuvius seems,
From out our guns shells poured in streams.
Directed by the Immortal Eye
No strayward shells were seen to fly;
The shells from out the guns that went,
Performed the deed for which 'twere sent.
Our captain takes his glass in hand,
And o'er the battle 'gins to scan:
'Oh stop the guns,' he quickly cried,
'As fortune now is on our side;
The Spanish fleet is in a blaze,
And sinking fast beneath the wave.'
When this command to us was given,
Three haughty cheers went up to heaven;
And when the sun sent up her beam,
No Spanish boat was to be seen;
The whole of Spain's Manila fleet
Was buried in the mighty deep.

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