The Testimony Poem by Justin Reamer

The Testimony

My love, I will do anything for you.
Anything that makes you happy.
I will do anything for you
In order for you to be pleased.
If you want to live by the sea,
I will take you there;
If you want to go to Europe,
I will take you there, as well.
If you want a drink,
Whether it is water or wine,
I will fill it up to the full glass,
Making sure it will quench your thirst.
If you are hungry, I will
Get you a bite to eat,
Making sure your starvation is cured,
And making sure you are famished no more.

If you want a new car,
I will get it for you.
If you want to go explore space,
I will take you to the stars.
If you want a piece of the moon,
I will go and get it for you.
If you want a diamond,
I will try my best to mine it for you.
If you want all the knowledge,
I will get you a library,
And an encyclopaedia set to go with it.
If you want social time,
I will give you space.
If you need more loving,
I will give you all I can give.

If you want to explore the sea,
I will buy a submarine for you.
If you want to explore the skies,
I will take you on a plane.
If you want to explore the wild,
I will take you there.
If you want to explore the seas,
I will take you sailing.
If you want to go to dinner,
I will take you there and pay the bill.
If you want to go camping,
I will pack up and take you there.

If you want a vacation,
I will take you to the furthest places of the Earth.
If you want to go somewhere warm,
I will take you to Hawaii or wherever you want to go.
If you want to learn history,
I will take you to all the historic places
Of the planet Earth.
If you want the planet,
I will give it to you.

My love, I would give you the world.
I will give you anything
You want, anything you need.
I will give you whatever you
Think is best.
I will give the world to you.

This poem was something I wrote when I was very young. I described what I would do for the woman I loved. I thought it was a neat poem and that I should publish it.
Justin Reamer

Justin Reamer

Holland, Michigan
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