The Tolling Bell Poem by girlie lactao

The Tolling Bell

It was a surprise when the bell rang.
No one knew what it really meant
But the sound was so eerie
It sent babies out of their beds crying.

Everyone looked out their windows.
There was nothing out there.
Glazed looks, worried eyes, hurting ears
No one understood the tolling of the bells.

Then one boy ran to the church
Where the old bells were kept
There he saw a little dove
Its tie twirling with the chains of the bell.

As people were nearing the church
They saw the boy taking out the little dove
From the tie that got caught with the chains
As the bell continued ringing the boy slipped.

He grabbed the chains of the bell
But it was too late and he fell.
Down from the bell tower he came
The little dove was safe in his palms.

No one could move and no one could talk
All were in shock and all were in grief
How could they have let this little boy fell
If only they cared to check on the tolling bell.

It was too late now they said, 'Too late'
One little girl came out from the crowd
He hugged the little boy that fell and said:
'Thank you, little brother, you saved little dove.'

The little boy was the town's hero
A simple act of love and care awakened
This otherwise uncaring town
From thereon people learned that in life
Even the littlest thing matters.

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