The Truest Love Poem by Boston Kelley

The Truest Love

Love, your arrow has pierced my heart,
its amorous-tipped arrowhead has caused
me to fall.
I try to will myself to stand, yet no strength
resides in my bones.
Here I lay trying my hardest to fight what you
are revealing to me, but the truth is
something I cannot resist.
A greater master do you serve, a woman who
has commanded you to make me realize my
love for her.
You entered my heart when I first saw her,
filling me with endless captivation.
Her beauty was peerless, I could not find anyone
else so pleasant to gaze upon.
Shy she was, but her innocence was so alluring.
My mind did you fill with thoughts of her,
entrancing me into a deep admiration for her.
So much of her being I idolized that I could find
no other woman to match her.
Oh, my sweet Elizabeth, if only you could know
my love for you!
The day I met you I was unsure of how I would think
of you, but now I see that it is compassion I feel
toward you.
Many women have entered my life and left as
a love interest or friend, but you have taken both
I could not think of you exiting my life.
Your intellect matches and transcends the most
brilliant of minds in history; who else have I met
as studious and intelligent as you?
Your faith is an immovable force, something you
will not compromise.
I see it and am convicted, for when I am in your
presence, I desire to be a better man.
Your beauty shines brighter than the sun; it is so
amazing to look upon that I must turn away.
Thoughts of you march into my mind, setting up
camp for themselves.
I send my own force to dispel them, yet they fight
back with thoughts hidden in my subconscious.
Where I once denied how I felt towards you, I welcome
with open arms the love I feel for you.
I look at you and hear a gentle waterfall and songs
of birds; I listen to your voice and my ears are ever open.
Love, cultivate what you have sown in my heart,
strike me again so my passion will burn ever so brightly.

Boston Kelley

Boston Kelley

Fayetteville, Arkansas
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