The Unloving Girl Poem by Woru Sulyman

The Unloving Girl

I saw a girl,
Eyes shinning as perfect pearls,
Lips as lush as a carpet strip,
Walk so daunting as one in clips,

Tongue so sharp it cuts through skin,
Men too played their numbers thin,
Never seen to honor a neighbour's call,
Rude face and pouched lips says it all,
Oh yes! She is the unloving girl.

On a weary day to the movie I went,
My tiredness and Anger I've gone to vent,
Chanced! I saw those perfect eyes,
Misty, and I heard sobbing cries.
Is this the unloving girl?

Curious, I could hold not my tongue
How come a fearless beauty sobs?
For what she said my heart still throbs,
Pointing to the screen, she said ' me.'

Only then I began to see,
How her innocence they made to flee,
Barely blossomed, it was roughly plucked,
All her life what she neatly tucked,
How wicked is the heart of man?

Braving this storm as a deep-rooted tree,
Suffering and silence it is hers to be.
Who could she call, who's her star?
When her mother's man has been to her.
Such pain you bear for life.

Solace she found with a friend at school,
Always he stares and often drool.
As friends from school they start to walk,
Her trust he gained, she starts to talk.

To her friend's trick she fell again,
By a dozen boys her lawn was crossed.
What she felt! Such a pain! !
Whirlwind, Oh! Her life was tossed! !
What of friendship, what of trust?

To her I gave a thoughtful glance,
By all, on her the blame was lodged,
Sans knowing they bruised, they judged.
Somber, I pleaded a second chance.
And I saw not the unloving girl again.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: abuse,pain
A girl who masks her pain with aggression and rudeness
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