The Will Poem by William Hill

The Will

The Will

My name is Will last name Hill, I love to rhyme.
Round and around we go till the end of time
Does this end? Or do we go on forever?
When will we go on a space endeavour?

Star wars, Jedi knight, use the force
These souls must go through a never ending course
We are the infinite circles in the flower of life, the souls
Just play your role well, and have lifetime goals

The great circle of life, we are that we are
Always do your best, always raising the bar
A new day, living life in a new way
The Universe, a never ending play

You are the villain, the hero and the madman
The archetypes teach and show us that we can
Collective unconscious, the history or all
Come on brave hero, don't avoid the call

You are the Hero and your life is a journey
You may lose your mind strapped to a gurney
No matter how many times you fall, stand tall
Remember life is like a game, play ball

Productive day, live life, find your way
One with the cosmos, listen to what I say
Stardust, Earth elements one will all in awe
See what you see, and saw what you saw

Life is like a trip, just keep moving forward
One with the Earth mother, cut the cord
Extension of her, find yourself in nature
Now you can either be the disease or the cure

You choose, so be the cure if you can
And find your purpose in time, masterplan
And we will continue to circle this infinite ring
This is your castle man, now you are the king

The Will
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: consciousness,life,philosophy
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