The Win Poem by Amy Stuart

The Win

Rating: 5.0

So many cuts,
So many screams.
But oh thank God,
It was only a dream.

Now I'm awake,
And on the alert.
That wasn't just a dream,
It was my real hurt.

I wonder what had happened,
Before I passed out cold.
I look down at my body,
And see my worst cut ten-fold.

I sit there and I think,
Did I finally accomplish my dream?
Was I so close to death,
I want to fall back asleep?

Then maybe I'll make a cut,
Even deeper than before.
Put myself in that Hell-bound world,
And fall back on the floor.

So here goes nothing,
Just one more shot.
I'll slice my throat from ear to ear,
That's the only chance I got.

There goes my life,
I'm slipping away.
I have finally done it,
My first shining day.

My note is on the bed,
My body begins to swell.
'As far as I'm concerned,
I'll see you all in Hell! '

Well I've finally done it,
And won this awful game.
The one I hope you never find,
It's called the Cutting Game.

I made this as a continuation of a poem on by 112234567. It's called depressions game.

Harlan Simantel 04 March 2008

Startling! Sure got my attention...sweel should be swell? in next to last verse? I have bipolar (manic-depressive) myself, fairly mild. I've read that a high proportion of creative people suffer from bipolar - extreme highs and lows. Ironically, that's where some of our creativity comes from - born out of extremities and reflected in our art. A high price to pay, but also some compensation. I hope you don't follow thru on your poem's theme. You have a lot to give and create: just one life affected makes a big difference - and you are that difference. Thanks for 'opening your wounds' to the world.

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Amy Stuart

Amy Stuart

Western Pennsylvania
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