The Window To The Soul Poem by Noah Body

The Window To The Soul

A dimly glowing orb shone weakly down upon the mostly barren landscape.
It's feeble light, filtered by a thick, dark layer of clouds, barely reached the ground
And, reaching the ground, it did little to warm the cold, lifeless earth.

The land lay as though lifeless, here and there dotted with scraggly shadows of once mighty trees.
No life grew in the soil, no movement dotted the terrain.
There upon what was once a grassy knoll stands a decrepit shack, almost lost in the shadows of the land.
In the shack a single window, the window to the soul, dark and lifeless as the land.
Yet in that window is a shadow, pierced by 2 faded eyes, the eyes lost in a gaunt face.
A face that stares out at the lifeless land, alone the sole life in this barren wilderness.
The eyes, pierced by loneliness and sadness, move slowly over the landscape
Searching for some hint of life, some touch of warmth.
Lost forever behind that window the eyes will continue their search into time unknown, always disappointed.
Lines of pain crease the wrinkled visage that surrounds those eyes,
A pain brought about by the loneliness within those walls.
The soul, a soul lost to that pain, continues the scan.
Bereft of hope, yet he scans, ever looking for surcease.
And time marches on, slowly, inexorably drawing closer to that time,
The time when all pain, all loneliness, all hope will come to it's end.

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