The World May End Poem by G.S.Vasu Kumar

The World May End

The world may end tonight
It might be for others
Or for just you or me.
Watch the beautiful sunset
As though this is the
Last time you shall see.
Treat everyone you meet
With kindness and care,
As though you may never
Meet them like this again.
Life may just end tonight,
When the darkness descends
On the things of bright.
Do everything you really
Want today or tonight.
Eat well as though it
Will be your last meal,
Who knows, when the fate
Shall send the death for
This life to seal.
Learn as much as you can,
As though you’re learning
The last lessons of your life.
Smile, laugh and make others
To join you,
As though you may never
Get a chance to smile or
Laugh again.
Don’t live as though you’re
Going to grow old and die,
But live as though today
Or tonight you may die.
Always remember that
Time is ticking and
Every moment could
Be the last.
Make the best of each
And every moment,
Thus death may feel sorry
As well as proud of you,
When your time finally
Comes to leave.

G.S.Vasu Kumar

G.S.Vasu Kumar

Bangalore, India
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