This Poem In Not About You Poem by ART PAUL SCHLOSSER

This Poem In Not About You

This poem is not about you
Or is it
Do you wonder
Do you fidget
Well don't worry
I won't say who you are

Exposed without a choice
You rose without a voice
You voted but it was too late
Your concerns were lock out of the gate

Actions without giving time
The writer's patience was sublime
Your opinion were overlooked
What you did and your feelings now published in a book

I'll just share
A few of my tears
But if we ever really brake up
Well this poem won't be enough
I'll have to write a novel with words so deep
Whether this will or will not help you sleep
Is not my concern
I'm just trying to earn
Some money
But don't worry honey
I still love you
Fiction or not fiction true

We've changed the names to protect the innocent
And distorted their truth feeling confident
That the cool people will understand
That the real facts were not as a grand

I mean where are the morals
Where is your conscience
No really corals
With the editor
When they see their name in print
When you give them enough cash
You can aways wait just until you die to repent
Enough drugs and sex and alcohol will cover up that rash

So go ahead and sell out
Don't worry about who you knock out
Give them a shout
Exposed their dirty life about
And dedicate your book to them
Because they are your best friend
But who are you really kidding ?
You orThem?
Is it really worth it all in the end?

Sunday, January 19, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
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