Thriller Poem by Dashaun Rashod Snipes


Rating: 5.0

In the darkness of the night,
Eerie creatures come to sight,
Slithering through the shadows deep,
Their presence makes your heart skip a beat.
Through hollows eve they emerge,
Monsters with tales that do surge,
From the depths of imagination,
Filling us with fear and fascination.
A werewolf howls at the moon,
A vampire's teeth gleam in tune,
With his haunting red eyes,
Beware, for his bite can mesmerize.
A witch on her broomstick flies,
Cackling with glee, she defies,
All the laws of this mortal world,
With her spells and potions unfurled.
Ghosts and ghouls roam the streets,
Their aim to give us all the creeps,
They haunt our dreams, our sleep,
Till the final hour of this day of evil, we keep.
But there's something thrilling about this night,
The sense of danger, the unknown in sight,
It's a thrill that we just can't resist,
As we celebrate with a wicked twist.
Costumes and candies, parties and games,
As the night falls, we shed our names,
A chance to be someone else,
In this enchanted night, let your true self delves.
But as the night draws to an end,
And the moon starts to descend,
The monsters retreat to their lair,
For until next hollows eve, we won't see them anywhere.
And so the final hour arrives,
And with it, the night finally dies,
We say goodbye to the creatures of the night,
Till they awaken again, in their glorious, terrifying might.
Thriller, that's what this night is called,
Filled with monsters, both big and small,
But as we bid them adieu,
We can't help but feel a little blue.
For in the midst of all the scares,
We found something special, something rare,
A sense of community, a sense of fun,
That stays with us even when the night is done.
So here's to the monsters of Halloween,
They'll always be a part of this scene,
For even in the darkest hour,
They bring us together, with their terrifying power.

Authorship by Dr. Dashaun Snipes
©️ Dr. Dashaun Snipes
®️ Thriller

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