To Know Ourselves Poem by Ross Mabey

To Know Ourselves

Poem- To Know Ourselves.

By - Ross Mabey.

There are many who believe, of which I'm óne,
We have lived many lifetimes here before.
And that there are records kept, of all events,
Until we learn the lessons of life,
And really learn how to unconditionally love,
And not, just to even up the score.

If you believe or not, it to be true,
Then whatever the reason,
There's seems to be a system of justice in place.
Some may call it karma, where we pay for,
Debts incurred, in time and space.

Why it is so, some would like to know?
The answers will come one day soon.
We'll understand that there are lessons to be learned,
When we've learnt them well know the reasons,
Then we'll understand what life is all about?
And truly to know ourselves,

Perhaps, we'll be like, Sir Thomas Moore,
Who stood on his principles and defied a king,
In doing so, he lost his head,
"The man for all seasons",
Will we be also be martyrs our beliefs,
Or recognize the truth, it is really up to us.

If you really want to know and search for the answers,
You are sure very soon, to find, the Mahanta,
The one who will show the way,
To The Path of Spiritual Freedom.

Then will we recognize the truth,
That life, Is all about, learning how to give out love.
Giving other souls, their space,
And recognizing our creator in heaven above.

Copyright 2018.Ross Mabey.

Written September 7th 2018.
Rewritten October 18th 2019.


Saturday, September 8, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: true love
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