To The Pair Of You Poem by Abubakar Mohammed Musa

To The Pair Of You

Love yourselves till mountains crumble,
Till thunder-strike and winter rumble,
Live as one as doves do,
Mate till death as doves do,
Unite and build an empire,
As bees build a bee-hive,
Take words as how they are,
Kill your enemies with love,
Shun them like a melting cloud,
No water is wide if you both unite,
You can bake a lump of clay when you unite.

To you Aapiyah!
Forget some waters when a blue sea appears,
Like the clouds when rainbow appears
Don't shoot him with your stars,
In order to make him hover in your skies,
Gentle and graceful is his heart,
A blooming rose in snow is his heart,
He is a fit husband for a wise lady,
He is a drop of water to a desert cherry,
Love him till the earth and sky mingle,
As you became a boat to him in an Ocean of death when he was single.

If white and unripe like a plantain,
Your heart always wish to be,
Then a honeybee you must always be,
You must raise up like a morning sun,
And bend down like a nighty moon,
If his joy is only to see stars,
Then be you a swarm of galaxies,
As your shadow follows you silently,
Be his shadow and follow him silently,
Nothing was perfect since olden days,
He is not perfect to make all your days.

To you S.D or Qadiri!
To her books you must be her diary,
No matter a situation don't let her teary,
Let her be a baby in your arms,
Don't be a wind and bend her feelings,
Be her shadow and suit her feelings,
Be at the corner of her heart,
And block all the sorrows to her heart,
Let her be a butterfly that will be seeking your flowers.

Be strong like a fragrance of orchid,
Soft like a bud of seasoned cotton,
Crown her heart with a golden crown,
In the summer let her heart grows,
In the winter don't let her feelings freeze,
Love is like a flower to some,
Once it wilts and withers,
The petals can't be stuck back.

As blooming flowers always bloom,
And as freezing airs always freeze,
Your pumping hearts'll always increase,
As succulents in desert survive and grow,
And as zizanias in water survive and grow,
You'll manage to live as a bride and a groom,
You can cook your love with a golden pot,
As you neither hide your secrets nor sadness,
Don't change your love and joy,
Because Marriage is a Devil's Target.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: marriage,friendship,letter,lesson
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