Turning Colored Pages Poem by Timmy Tubbs

Turning Colored Pages

On the inside of those bear leaves
A quant yell is in tune
Witnessed beneath a blue moon
They skip next to each other
Color to color
Like daughters with mothers

Smashed in streets
Sticking to your feet
Stabbed with the cleat
The tumble in circles obeying the winds lungs
Is it fate where they go?
Or is it a plan scribbled over coffee stains
With broken crayons
Mimicking all the hues
Of creation
When sun passes through water and back to you

They stack up on walls huddling for warmth
Some wisp away and some stay
But they all came on different days
From a tree’s weakening arms that reach down
To the ground spreading its feet
Anchoring itself to time
Waiting to grow back with his tiny yellow shine
Many at a time

Oxygen cradles us blown from you
Basking beneath the stars
You make it so easy to hide our scars
You help to turn time with your hanging friends
Its time to fall
Sit and peek to witness
Kisses and clasped hands floating beyond bliss
For a while under the waters white blanket
Its cold
But the season will fold
Or so I’m told
You will be heard once again
When the sun calls for his friend

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