Two Sides Of A Coin Poem by Naga Vamshidhar Ratakonda

Two Sides Of A Coin

Rating: 5.0

Life not led in a Vacuum,
To Float unaffected;
Neither it's a Gamble,
To be left Stranded;

It's a Coin tossed up,
So Many Times;
For unknown Games,
To be Played Hard or Soft;
With Possibilities,
And With Probabilities;

The Toss, a Positive Intent
And Willingness to,
Play the Games of Life,
Till the Very End;

'Two Sides of a Coin',
Head and Tails,
Just two Sides of the same coin,
Wonder they decide,
Life's Fate?

Head and Tails,
Outcomes and not Results,
Gives a Lead or Lag,
At the Game's Start;
Not all Grand(s)Prix won,
From Pole Position!

Whether Head or Tails,
Game Still to be Played;
As Life still to be Led,
With choices already made;

There are still Levers, Gears
And Pedals you can adjust,
Turns you can take or avoid,
Corners you can negotiate,
Manoeuvre with sheer nerves,
Beat the odds for a 'Last Laugh'!

Head and Tails,
'Two Sides of a Coin',
Where do they Stand,
In the End?When,
You alone in Cruise Control,
Speeding Away,
Spearheading the Rest!

Life a Game to be Played,
With Positive Intent,
Ignoring the Past Choices,
You never could make!

Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: coin,game,games,life,life and death,optimism,spirit,tossing
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