Un-Defined Poem by Rayan Ali


We live so lively,
Yet unaware of reality.
We dream so consciously,
Yet unable to trace it’s path.
We imagine so artistically,
Yet unable to draw
Those images upon our lives.
We think so thoughtfully,
Yet unable to turn those
Thoughts neither in words, nor in actions.
We decide so autonomously,
Yet those decisions end up going nowhere.
We feel so deeply inside the corner of stress,
Yet those feelings break away so soon,
Shattered to pieces in our heart
Like smooth, shinny glass.
We want so ardently,
Yet unaware of the price it may cost us.
We concentrate with our mind’s windows open,
Yet forget all that needed
To stay in the blind corners of our reminiscence.
We fear so horridly,
Yet unable to define it.
We control so independently,
Yet unable to control our own insanities.
We act so humanely,
Yet unable to act before the undo.
We speak so resolutely,
Yet those words are nothing
But mere words in front of the screams.
We search so intrepidly,
Yet unaware of the murky shadows,
That lurk behind the twilight doors.
We answer so determinedly,
Yet form into a bundle of questions ourselves.
When it comes to the chapters of misunderstanding.
We weep so sympathetically,
Yet unaware if those tears
Really are from the unfathomable pits of our hearts.
We laugh so gleefully,
Yet unaware of the faces
That are forever bound to beam.
We pledge so trustworthily,
Yet those promises are nothing more
Than words, forgotten sooner that the dark to approach.
We hold the chain of love so compactly,
Yet unaware of the aspects clinging to the beads
That may break apart from our own grip.
We hear so assiduously.
Yet fail to recognize the clandestine
Of our own lives being read out aloud.
We see so immaculately,
Yet unable to see the darkness
Glooming around us everywhere.
We forgive so mercifully,
Yet that forgiveness is never
From the center of promises.
We restore the damages so flawlessly,
Yet unable to restore the damages
Of our own bruised lives.
We accept so willingly,
Yet refuse everything at the end
Of the dark delusion in our minds.
We succeed so exceedingly,
Yet fail when life give us a test
To enter the world henceforth.
We run so promptly for achieving
Yet unable to catch even a foretaste of it all.
We recognize so indubitably,
Ye unable to recognize the images
Laid before us of our reflections
On shattered glass.
We follow what is taught so accordingly,
Yet unable to find the ways once doubt swathes us.
We reason so unhesitatingly,
Yet questions our own reason sometimes.
We wonder so aimlessly around harsh corners of this gloominess,
Yet unaware of the phantoms that creep inside us from there.
We wait so hastily chances and opportunities,
Yet fail so miserably upon following the way they went.
We hail our thoughts and ideas into this world,
Yet never give them shelter in the deepest corners of our minds.
We admit to walk with life at every step,
Yet take a turn leading to isolation rather than life.
We catch every star life throws upon us,
Yet unable to settle them upon ourselves.
And yet, when death arrive sat our door
We want for it all over again
But in vain.

Rayan Ali

Rayan Ali

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