Un Discribable Poem by sandra geisell

Un Discribable

How do you spell a thought
That no one thinks
Without everyone saying
You pinned down what they were feeling?
How do you blink
When the light is too dark
And the dark is too light
And the places you stored your filters
Have gone and dried up like old wells?

How do you scream
When your whisper is so loud
And your voice is all but gone
With the clouds out to sea
Raining where it won't be noticed
And merely feeds the pool,
Trickles in a vast something
So the little storm is really nothing?

How do you...
How do I...

How do I spell this thought
And convince you
You've never felt this way
Because it's twisted
Inside my brain
Tossed and separated
And there are no words
To say it
Because the words
Were all invented
Long before I came into existence
So how could a single syllable
Fit this indistinguishable pattern
To the tee I need it to be?

How does a person say what they need to say
When there is no way to say it?


And I keep wondering why I feel so alone in here


How do I....
How do you....

sandra geisell

sandra geisell

lebadon, ohio
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