Undecided Decision Poem by Alex Perez

Undecided Decision

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I’m saying it now; but I said it before, should I try to prosper, or just kick my dreams straight out the door.
Who am I to ignore the thoughts I have inside; plagued by God himself, because his plan for me was something I didn’t decide.
My ambition is built up as much as my suspicion; of what is yet to come, when I say I want to change; how come everybody looks at me dumb?
Is it the fact that they don’t believe me, or is the devil himself trying to deceive me?
But then again it’s hard to figure out what approach to make, they say that when you are alone; that’s the best time to concentrate.
I guess I got more time than what I crave, as long as I can put something into action before I get to my grave.
Sure… I’m like some people with many concerns, somewhat undecided on whether if I could live up to these terms.
Now why do people who wont take advice; have a tendency to try and share some with you-sure it’s nice; but in reality they just don’t have a clue.
Some will say… Do as I say and not as I do, but me I’m more of a person that if I can show you then I wouldn’t need to say it to you.
Yeah it’s cool to ask questions; because they say closed mouths don’t get fed, but if your one of those people who like to talk to much; some will lose focus on the words that are being said.
There’s even a few that will tell you to just go with the flow, while there are others who will utter to take your time and do it slow.
So to whom do you listen; and what steps should you make, how do you get to your destiny and which route would you take.
I even heard that the path has already been chosen for you, that might be the reason why some people keep having De JA Vu.
You might even come across a person that won’t even listen to your suggestions; they’ll try to come out with the answers before you even ask the questions.
I just live how I want and I do my very best, I try to enjoy my time because I realize this is all just a test.
So do what you do and live according to your religion, cause if you don’t you’ll be stuck with another undecided decision.

Alex Perez

Alex Perez

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