Very Strange Poem by yrrej Caadan

Very Strange

Rating: 4.0

You know what, I just made a poem last night
And to you I dedicate it much
I then nlook up, what a wonderful sight
And I wonder, am I doing it right?
Writing these words in a single touch

It all started when I remember you
And then, it just struck into my head
To write something, that is what I should do
Just to show that I think of you too
A masterpiece, I know it would led

In one corner, I then look back and sit
In my hands were the paper and pen
Well I do know that I should write it neat
For some reason, I then shook from my feet
I started to realize it then

I spent the whole night trying to think back
It seems I can't think of anything
But well, I can't seem to get any luck
And I told myself, 'well, this really suck'
Just thinking of you makes my head swing

I just can't put the words to describe you
Then I stood and looked at the window
It is very dark and the stars are few
The stars are with different colors and hue
Could this be what the night wants to show?

I think I know you much but I don't
And you still leave me a question mark
I am going to wait even if its long
And next time Im going to write a song
Till I know you, just like the dark...

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