Voice Of The Sage Poem by Arabambi Obaloluwa

Voice Of The Sage

The cup of life I bring thee
Why not diligently have a sip?
Ocean of words is today before thee
Why not gather and have a toast?
A word is said to be enough for the wise
But, what of the numerous irrationals?
The vast soothing wise water of words
Have I bring to your dark table
Why not turn reasonable drunkard?
For the kid won't forever be milked
Dear generation of gullible
Moon will not always smile at dusk
Perfect swine of ignorant
The perfect tick is here
For the mountains to flow
The ship's horn is blasted
The sun should stands to its reasonable functions
And the birds stop chirping and speak
For others to diligently listen
Just for the sake of the innocents
Why not displace the intruding smoke
To secure the well being of the yet to come
For the dawn is at the doorpost
The grass cutter I'd said to take on its child's when old
The high sounding drum has to stop
To prevent a disastrous tomorrow
The bell of wise is rung
For the fertile ears to understand
Let's call on a reasonable gathering
To authenticate a bright future
Wise up saith the ranging voice of the SAGE.

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