We All Have Someone Or The Other To Walk With..... Poem by kaavyaa kriday

We All Have Someone Or The Other To Walk With.....

Somewhere in the Past.... I was just passing thru the dark Island of SILENCE and LONELINESS...Walking all alone as i was the only Queen of LONELINESS.... Suddenly I was slowly hit by some Breeze which came from nowhere...I just neglected it...Later i could just feel the Presence of Breeze totaly around me..... I wandered to find a companion to share my feelings and to bring rains in that Island.... The rains were the only thought behind my open eyes as it was years since i found someone to cry... there was no corner of the Island i left unsearched just with a thought to hold u tight... But i had nothing around to be helped with to reach u DEAR as u were the only hope to keep me away from all my fears... It was dark so was helpless with a hope to hug u and kiss u in the morning... Gave rest to my tired eyes and made my sailing heart to sleep for a while... It was all the way only ur thoughts occupying my brain as u were the only hope to call me affectionately after a great long years of lonely life... It was a sunny morning I could feel after realy many long years...The suns rays patted me wishing me luck as I could find someone for me... Found the warmth and freshness in the sunsrays which gave a strong feeling that I really have someone around to search for me....Which thought made me resume my search for u....Again I searched the ever possible corner but somehow just missed the place around me...But how foolish I was....how foolish I was not to realise the place jus around me...Later realised that it was YOU-'My Shadow' who gave me company throughout the time but I had no clues as to search for u all these days as I was in a hope to get someone who can wipe my tears and greet me affectionately...But DEAR I now realised that its only U who can stay with me in all times of loneliness....Its u who stays next to me in the day time with the sun just above us saying that u are just next to me always in good and bad...And u are just within me at the night time to let me feel your presence and loose all the fear
I just put my hands around myself and kissed the air affectionately and said 'Thank u for being there'........

Its the SHADOW that stays with us finally forever ever and ever.......

Every person has someone or the other in their life always giving them support...

If u have none....No reasons to panic....be optimistic and show the world that even u have someone...and its not not some outsider but its ur own shadow.....

this shows ur ATTITUDE...never let go ur ATTITUDE....Thats the greatest gift u have....

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