We Sent The Children To War. Poem by Spanner Thegob

We Sent The Children To War.

Fed them rebellion
To accept their fate.
To become a hellion
We Taught them hate.

Ready for pillage
to follow like cattle.
terrorise a village
eager for battle,

Lustfully They sing,
a ceaseless savage roar,
Born into this thing
Blindly follow the men of war

Violence became a drug.
Death an Opiate,
Turns a child into a thug
Or something more Appropriate

Indiscriminate Guns and bombs
judiciously mutilate and maim.
Killing without qualms,
Bringing glory...but never shame.

{are you fully stocked and well prepared}

Be home for Christmas!
bombs will have finished dropping!
With yuletide carols to spread goodwill!
And a break for Xmas shopping, , ,

The battle Carried on
No quarter asked, none given
But with each ignominious death
A glorious pretence is riven

soon they will feel the breath of heaven,
Where only the dead can be forgiven.

We Sent The Children To War.
Monday, December 4, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: war
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