What Did The Desert Spawn Poem by william Konrad

What Did The Desert Spawn

Long ago in distant lands
Borne from sun drenched desert sands
You came to be what you've become
Through fearsome belief in your nostrum
A nostrum mostly ill conceived
But sadly by the young believed
A nostrum soaked in less than truth
And spread with ease among the youth
To spawn fanatic radical cults
Who embrace destructive results
They give up a most precious possession
To feed a cause that's become an obsession
Should your aims and objectives be fulfilled
Could they ever be fulfilled
What but hatred motivates
The newly welcomed novitiates
Why the hatred why the bile
Why the snarl instead of smile
Who has convinced you how to behave
you were given a mind not of a slave
You've bought a package fraught with peril
Framed in a language from the tower of babel
how could you have been any different
The poison was planted before your birth
You were made to drink it every day
You were taught to hate those unlike you
Never urged to think independently
To question the word would be blasphemy
How could you have been any different
You believed in all the bearded sages
You carried that belief through all the ages
Never ever questioning was this the only way.
You gather in great noisy hordes
You shake your fists and shout your slogans
All under the guise of holiness
Your holy books of love profess
Your actions speak of hatefulness
If all the world were just like you
Your work all done no more to do
Would then your radical dream suffice
Your imagined dream of paradise.
Turned into nothing more than lies.

william Konrad

william Konrad

Winnipeg Man.
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