What Do You Get From Stealing? Poem by Aldo Kraas

What Do You Get From Stealing?

What do you get from stealing?
A lot of trouble indeed
You loose your job
You loose your family and friends
Who will trust you now?
No one will trust you now
How are you going to live now?
How are you going to find a job now?
Who will hire you?
Do you like stealing?
Do you steal because you are greedy or just want to cause trouble?
Are you happy now that you lost your job?
Do you have any pride in yourself?
If you think somebody is going to feel sorry for you?
No one will feel sorry for you, you are totally wrong
Have you thought of the consequences first?
Have you learned your lesson?
Are you going to haven or hell?
Haven was made for the good people
Hell was made for the evil people
Where do you think you will end up when you are gone?
Only the good die young
Once you break the law you have to pay for it and be put away in jail
How long will you stay in jail?
The judges and lawyers who take you case will decide
Why do we have laws?
We have laws to protect the people and so we can live safe in our Community

Aldo Kraas

Aldo Kraas

Sao Paulo Brazil
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