When A Beloved Is Gone Poem by Carmela Patterson

When A Beloved Is Gone

'It is a long night' the soul cried,
As it wept for one who had died;
How is it that one so dear
Is gone! No longer here?

There seems no rhyme nor reason;
One feels betrayed as if by treason.
It is the cycle of birth to death,
Living until one's dying breath.

What must be remembered as one heals
Is to pray during trials with which one deals;
Although only a thin veil separates us
The evil one relentlessly castigates us.

Look upon God suffering soul
Lift one's thoughts to our Ultimate Goal.
To Heaven has our loved one gone
And now ever sings a heavenly song.

The Lord comforts us in every way
He is our Shelter in the endless day.
He brings the Peace we longingly desire
He fills our hearts with His Holy Fire.

What could be better than knowing
His Heart to them He is showing?
Death? No longer do we fear it.
Bless the Father, and Son's Holy Spirit
There is Hope as we draw near It.
Acquiescent hearts endear It.
Our 'loved ones' now cheer It.

Think beyond this valley of tears
Everlasting Hope banishes our fears
Our loved one has broken through the veil
My spirit watched as she took sail
With nary another travail.

© Mel Patterson,9-30-09

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