Bob Gotti Poems

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A Cord Of Three Strands

I have one lovely woman in my life, but we have a marriage of three.
The life long bond of our marriage is my wife, Jesus Christ, and me.

This is not simply a well known cliché, a phrase, or a simple token,

Humility And Pride

Two emotions deep down inside, are those of humility and pride,
They produce what men may see, in the life of both you and me.
A haughty spirit can sure reside, in a heart that’s filled with pride.
A humble spirit is in you and me, when you’re filled with humility.

A Battle Within

Being nibbled on by The Spirit, through God’s Word, as you hear it,
Chipping away at the great divide, which has been built deep inside.
Removing the veil upon the heart, which hinders Truth Christ departs,
The only truth that sets men free, from the lies that bind you and me.

A Clay Vessel

The Lord has taken a vessel like me, and shaped it for an eternity.
An empty, cracked vessel like this, He has filled with Eternal Bliss.
All my sin, Christ has set apart, as God began a work in my heart.
He cleansed me first of all my sin, then He started a change within.

A Disciple Of Christ

When you cleave onto God’s Word, the Truth of God that you heard,
And choose to follow Jesus Christ, allowing God’s Word into your life,
You then become a disciple of, The Lord and Savior and God above.
Only in Christ, are men truly free, with a freedom that spans Eternity.

Love, Faith And Hope

Love is one identifying mark that sets Believers and others apart.
Men will know us from others when we have love one for another.
Love covers a multitude of sin, when you have Christ’s love within.
It was Christ’s love on the cross that covered the sins of the lost.

Not Peace But A Sword

On the scene came Christ The Lord, not with peace but with a sword.
The sword was The Word of Truth, and to many it became a reproof.
To many hearts Truth would come, to acknowledge God’s Only Son.
But many just wouldn’t believe, and The Truth they would not receive.

Just Why The Son Was Given

For unto us a child was born, and unto us The Son was given.
Through The Son I am reborn, and by His blood I am forgiven.
On a cross of shame and scorn, His life for all was freely given.
Many hearts indeed were torn, as the temple curtain was riven.

A Calming Grace

Rushing by with one weary heart; this is how many have their start,
Every day starts a hectic pace, in a life in need of a calming Grace.
A Grace that sets your heart at rest, when the day is one long test.
Grace with a peace that is assured, sent to all who know The Lord.

Be Prepared With A Reason

Be prepared in and out of season, to give all men a heartfelt reason,
For all the peace you have within, through the hope you have in Him.
The Hope we have in Jesus Christ, the sure hope of an Eternal Life,
An Eternal Life with Christ our Lord, in Heaven with Him forevermore.

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