Who Can Help God Poem by Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England

Who Can Help God

Thinking no man can help The Lord
Most fail to even try
Yet those who others aid afford
Will see how grace is nigh

Its good when life we understand
When love has vanquished shame
We see we’re tools in Jesus’ hand
To glorify His name

Our help to God is in the deed
We tender great and small
Within the morsel meant to feed
When hungry neighbours call

Within the cup we give a child
The beggar limping by
Each word to those not reconciled
Still doomed in sin to die

Using the least to help the great
The Lord will surely bless
Each coin we give to change the fate
Of others in distress

The cup of milk the slice of bread
Our second pair of shoes
We help the sick and those unfed
We pay To God our dues

Offering thus our help and aid
Answering true love’s call
Our strength within will never fade
Nor will our neighbours fall

This is the help we give our King
Our aid to Heaven’s throne
Changing the song we used to sing
Changing our hearts of stone

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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