Whom Do They Worship (2) Poem by Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England

Whom Do They Worship (2)

Although she bore God’s Son and Christ
Yet truth is plain to see
Mary was never sacrificed
To set God’s children free

If man would read the true report
Would read her humble song
They’d find she too had fallen short
Needing to right her wrong

For God’s elect was flesh and bone
Mortal as you and I
Unlike her Son, life’s cornerstone
Through sin she too would die

She’d join the rich, the worldly poor
She’d taste the kiss of death
Like all who’ve lived and gone before
Since Adam first drew breath

Did Mary not so testify?
Is not the truth to read?
So why do some believe the lie
She lives to intercede

Does not all flesh embrace the earth?
Did God not say it should
Perfect to rise through second birth
Through Jesus’ perfect blood

Cast out the devil’s evil spawn
His lies his gross deceit
Receive The Truth become reborn
And rise in Christ complete

To God there’s only one true door
One road man may pursue
That those who’ll live for evermore
By faith must enter through

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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