Why Is It Always Me Poem by Andrus Cassian

Why Is It Always Me

'Maybe it's just me'; my favorite well read line
It relates too much to me, too much too often
is it so wrong of me to say
I loathe how it's always me, my own worst enemy
loathe there's a muzzle firmly looked upon my face
I refuse to even bother to unlock
Pedestrians, people, they are so quick to voice
'It's just all in your head'
well if I've felt it, bled it, screamed it, wrote it
doesn't it make it real...well at least in my point of view
All I want to say, wish I could, speak clearly for all to hear
it never comes out right
staying in the home it's made out of my voice
getting lost and forgotten like it loves to do
now it's a portrait of me, laying still waiting and watching
never to speak, mission accomplished, confirmed
this thing wins don't you see
because like I've realized in recent terms
I'm just waiting for someone, anyone
to teach me something I'm too much of a coward
to know how to do
Embedded in my blood is an abnormality I cannot subdue
outlining a weakness I never knew
a realm of pleasantries does well to consume
yet as the title states
why is it always me getting in the way of everything I do

Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: reflection
Akhil Raveendran 19 April 2016

i also thinking why it always me... means common problem.. good thank you

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