I stand in a field of dandelions,
Under an endless night sky.
Alone, afraid of the hurt I've known,
From those who betrayed me long ago.
There's no escape, no way out.
The thought of an end, so tempting.
I've wandered here for years without light,
Searching for an exit, but the field stretches forever.
No end in sight, no end to these dandelions.
I made a wish for light,
A way out of this endless dark,
But hope faded, waiting for that light.
In despair, I decided on my escape—
But before I go, I'll run till I'm exhausted,
Hoping to find a way out.
The dandelions scratch at my skin,
Tears flow as I feel the cuts burn.
The cold air stings, sending chills through me,
I like the pain.
I'm tired, I've given up—
This is the only way.
I'll cut myself on the dandelions and their roots,
Bury myself in hope of finding peace.
Maybe in heaven, I'll see the light.
I pick a dandelion and make one last wish,
Blowing its seeds into the wind,
Praying for light.
As the petals drift away,
I tear apart the leaves,
Repeating my wish over and over.
Suddenly, I'm blinded by rays in the distance.
Could it be light?
I stare as it rises,
Clouds gathering and stars shining bright.
I'm in awe, unable to look away—
This bright feeling of hope fills me.
I can reach it, I can get to the light.
I run toward it, it doesn't move.
Burns mark my cheeks as I turn away,
But my body remains whole.
Why did I burn when I got close?
I fear the light now,
Afraid it will burn me inside and out.
But I run toward it anyway,
Even though my vision blurs,
And the light is too bright.
I walk slowly, covering my eyes,
Feeling its warmth on my hands.
But the light begins to fade,
Slowly descending, and I panic.
Why is it leaving?
I cry, watching it disappear.
Is there no way out of this?
Did it leave because I looked away?
I want to keep the light,
But it's slipping away,
Like everyone I've ever trusted.
I sit down in despair,
Empty once more.
The light was so close, so warm,
But now it's gone.
For months I search,
But the darkness only deepens,
The cold night pressing in.
I wish for the light to return,
But my tears fall into the empty field.
I remember the warmth,
The way the light made me feel alive.
I remain loyal, waiting for it to come back.
I call it mine, even though it never asked to stay.
The dandelions tell me to move on,
But I refuse.
I will keep chasing the light,
Even if it's gone.
I wonder, did the light ever feel the same for me?
Was I familiar to it, comforting?
I need to know.
So I rise, despite the pain,
And pull a dandelion from the ground,
Making one final wish.
I call out to the light,
Begging it to return so I can say what's in my heart.
Months pass,
And the light returns while I sleep.
The dandelions whisper it came back,
But I missed it.
I cry, feeling emptier than before.
Another dandelion falls in my hands,
And I wish again for one more chance.
This time, I won't sleep.
I'll stay awake, insomniac,
Until the light returns.
I won't rest until I've spoken my truth,
Even if I'm not as bright or warm as the light.
I need to tell it how I feel.
And maybe, just maybe,
That will be enough to pull me from the darkness,
To reach the light at last.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem