With Mrs Ford 1973 Poem by Terry Collett

With Mrs Ford 1973

Mrs Ford
went to the window
and peered out.

Just roofs
she said
and smoke
and grey skies.

I looked around
the bed
and breakfast room
we'd hired for the night.

Not much of London
to see from here.

See more later
when we go out
I said.

But it'll be
dark then
she said.

She drew
the drab curtains
and looked back at me.

Have you slept
with anyone before?
she said.

Yes a few
I said.

my age though
I bet
she said.

One older
I said.

She raised
her eyebrows
Casanova are you?

No just been lucky
I said
does your husband
know you're
with me?

She looked away
at the room
the double metal

Not with you
I told him
I was meeting a friend
and going to see
a show up here
she said.

Was he suspicious?
I said.

Couldn't care less
if he is or was
she said.

What shall we do first
go get a bite to eat
at one of the restaurants?
I said.

She looked at me
do you know a place?
she said.

Yes my brother and I
come here often
I said.

Or we could make
the most of our bed
and room
she said
before dinner.

She gazed
at the old bed
then at me.

If you like
I said.

We'd not
had sex before
so were

She began to undress
and I began
to undress too.

I watched her
as she took off
her top and skirt
undressing myself
out of routine.

The wallpaper
was dull and worn
the single light bulb
was dim
and the shade dusty.

We stood naked
looking at each other
then at the bed.

I thought of what
her husband would think
and saw him
watching us
in my head.

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