Work Ethic Poem by Jason Murak

Work Ethic

Everyday, I wake up, have to go wash dishes
I feel like work ties me down from chasing my wildest wishes
But if I cant provide for myself, Ill end up sleeping with the fishes
I just feel like im working to live...Now get this

Working everyday cant be my point of existence
Theres other people out there to become a banker or physician
is it wrong that being the center of attention is my ambition?
Im not self centered, I just love when Im reciting a poem, and people gather round to listen

I cant be blocked from my minds imagination, it cant be stopped by any partition
My brain just floods with poems whenever Her and I are kissing
I try and convey that I love the way her smiles glisten
Im not sure abour my current condition

But in this edition, Im worried about the worlds Malnutrition
And im not talking about the food we eat, its my own rendition
about how we do not let ourselves be creative, we just put it into reposition
we sit and wait, yet our creativity cannot ferment in that position

They say practice makes perfect, and as a statistician
Id give you 100% odds, thats just my suspicion
I cant be tied down, I need to use my mind and rhetoric
Im not lazy, I just dont have good work ethic

James Meaney 26 July 2010

I once said too Shay from coldstone that 'Jason has the work ethic & determination of Lance Armstrong' & I like this little diddy.

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Bailey Burris 26 July 2010

Hey, it sounds just as swell when you read it to me. I love all of these. I love the way you write!

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Jason Murak

Jason Murak

Long Island New York
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