You Are... Poem by Maya Reid

You Are...

My food
My air
My heart
My life
My moon
My sun
My teddy bear
My dream
My sleeping pill
My world
My tearjerker
My tissue
My protector
My guide
My acceptor
My savior
My angel
My key keeper
My door opener
My sunshine
My miracle
My rock
My teacher
My condition
My revelation
My perfect
My gift
My lifeline
My partner
My best friend
My fertilizer
My translator
My best decision
My makeup remover
My soul mate
My soul’s mate
My sharer
My delight
My spare tire
My intangibility
My reflection
My muse
My stability
My cement
My repairman
My everything
My glove – you fit
My life-changing moment
My voice when I can’t speak
My waiting set of open arms
My bridge across the chasm
My wings, lifting me high into the sky
My electric blanket on those cold cold nights
My hand to hold onto
My barrage of sweet kisses and warm hugs
My best pain reliever – there is no more hurt
My doorway to heaven on earth
My steroids – you give me power and strength
My probe – you explore the secret parts of me
My ocean – washing away the footprints of where I’ve been
My sun shower – you drench me with unexpected love
My tears of happiness to replace the tears of pain
My light where there had been only darkness
My “is” instead of my “might have been”
My glue – you hold the pieces of my world together
My great adventure
My burst of light
My fountain of love and wisdom
My knowledge that I am not alone
All these things
I know that you are
That you will always be
And so I’ve only one simple question:
Who are you?

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