Your Game Broke Me Poem by ashley roberts

Your Game Broke Me

I`m broken and i can`t be fixed i know no matter how hard i try my emotions are to mixed
I tried to fake it and live my life of lies but i keep building this wall everyday one more brick
Now i`m not well after the years of hurting and hating my mind is dieing from this conflict

Trying to remember a day when i was happy is like trying to remember the day you was born
For as long as i can remember all of my life my mind as been hurt and my heart as been torn
Like lining up to be knocked down i stand tall ready to show who i am but love is my thorn
Yet i know i can`t beat this so i wonder if i suddenly die will anyone miss me or Evan morn

Everyone is screaming no way for me to be heard no way for me to tell my pain and start to heal
Instead i have to live this life of faking and helping others so my pain i have now learn`t to conceal
I don`t understand why i do this but i know if one day i`m strong enough to stop i can learn to feel
One day i know if i beat my screaming demons in my heart and in my sleep this world can be real
This world is a game but i wont play

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