Your Secret Admirer Poem by Emmanuel Arunee Mwanza

Your Secret Admirer

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A letter to you the girl I like...
I don't know how to start...
Coz am afraid I don't know how you will react

I still want to say this anyway
Coz I don't know exactly what you feel for me

And that, gives me strength and fear at the same time to carry on
But honestly, I will be straight with you...

And now am shaking like you are here already so,
let me begin

Hello, dear lady
Listen to what am to confess to you
It is a song
It is a lovely lyric to which I dance sometimes,
I think of you everyday...everyday
And I wish daily, my hours are spent with you
But, I get confused at times

I want you, yes
Sometimes, I just want to keep talking to you
Sometimes, I want to talk crazy with you
Sometimes, I fear you
Sometimes, I wonder why

But being near you, feels good at the same time
Thinking of you, takes me to places in the galaxy with you
Talking to you, makes sense

I feel good
Like seriously, girl I feel good
I feel all the senses in me pointing to you

And when you speak
Damn it! Your tongue sounds angelish
That, you should know
Your voice, makes my heart dance
I feel good

And your scent, is like the best scent of perfume,
I believe there is in this world
I see your face well moulded,
Thank God I say
For yours is an angelish face,

You walk like, a queen
Of which, you are in my heart
Again, if I feel all such sweetness then why do I fear you?
Or its not fear?
If its not fear then what is it?
What is it with you?
Coz I feel good anyways

Even, as I begun,
As I shook
I wondered if meeting you again tomorrow
Won't make me freeze like am on top of mount Everest
Coz just talking to you
By walking with you, I feel on top of the world
Of which, literally, we talk of mount Everest,
But, I would freeze because of you anyways

I really like you,
Sometimes my heart pains
Just by thinking of how I badly want you in my life
Let me confess
You are the best dancer I have ever seen before,
If you ask how and where?
Just know we have danced together before
In my dreams, am sorry to say, this makes me shy

But being your secret admirer
And coz am still in my tender stages in your life
Since, am still playing stealth like the American F-22 fighter jet
Allow me to keep writing you letters
I will keep writing you, hoping I will
One day, recite my best poem when we say I do, for you

Since, its late in the night
I wish you know,
I still think of the few moments I talk with you
And am seeing, the beautiful you right now

So, let me finish this
By sending this letter to you,
(My finger on the send button so numb,)
Dear girl, am just still afraid
So, I will save it to the drafts
Until, I gather the strength
To memorise this letter one day
And say it to your face that
I do like you so much!
With love,
Your secret admirer
(Saved to draft box)

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