Kimbaline Navas (she who waits) Poems

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Im A Strong Woman

I have stood firm through my storm and I am still standing
I have rolled down many hills only to find myself standing back up, dust myself off and just to keep it pushing
I have fought through the hardest time in my life only to shine like the strong woman that stands before you now
I have cried a million tears and felt like life was not worth living only to get up the next day to see that the tears had dried up and a new day has come.


There Is A Reason For Every Season

I have finely realized what this mean: there is a reason for each and every season, friends will come and go lovers may also but with every season God has his reason…

There is a reason, why we have each and every season. We maybe ware of the season why, but God knows his reason so please try not to ask the question why.

Grandma’s Little Angel

Grandma’s little angel is what you will be called, sent to us from the wings of another angel, heaven has a kiss of blessing with your name all around it, a loving gift from God “Grandma little Angel.”

Grandma’s little angel is who we are waiting for; I have been blessed with a grandchild that I will love forever more.

Long Journey Home

Long journey home when the route back to who you once was is faded and the cross roads are no long there.
To find a place or go back to oneself is a hard road to travel, when you want to ensure that you are headed on the right path.
Search your heart and you shell find the true person that you seek to find, this journey home may have things in it path that you will need to over come, just keep your faith believe in what is real and this will be your greats thrill.
They say to ask you shell receive all that your heart is searching for; keep your mind clear and your thoughts pure for you really do not want to open unwanted doors.

I Miss The Beach

I miss everything about the beach from the sands between my toes to the mighty sound of the ocean crashing against the rocks; it is there where I found my serenity.

I miss the sun raise to the sun fall at the beach, where its true colors have this wonderfully glow right at the point of when the sun touches the water.

My Naked Body

I lay here with my true nakedness bearing for the
entire world to see, a faceless woman in a man’s
world searching for the true mean of free.

A Book By Its Cover

Don't judge a book by its cover; now that is a statement most of us should live by, in our day to day lives.
Most of the time we look at people or hear something about them, then we make a judgment of them as if we know that person but the actuality of it is we have no inkling of who that person is, nor do we make an effort too.
A book by its cover makes us ignore the person and refuse to find out who that person is, now we lost an opportunity of getting to know that person with a strong character, a loving soul, a gentle heart but most of all, you lost out on meeting someone that might have been good to you.
By being closed minded we see only what we want too see not allowing to open the mind and letting them shine.

I Will Be Spending Christmas In Heaven

I will be spending Christmas in Heaven this year where the clouds will be my snow, the stars will be my Christmas Lights and the present that I will receive is the gift of peace surrounding my soul.

Be merry and jolly for me as I will be for you please don’t dropp a tear, don’t let your heart be trouble heaven is a wonderful place to spend Christmas.

I Will Miss You

I will remember all the days that we shared the good as well as the bad.

When the rain drops fall upon my window I will miss you for you were much more to me then just a person from my past, you are more then just a blood line and you are and will always be my best friend.

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