Your The One I Need Poem by dylan watt

Your The One I Need

your the one i want the one i need
your the women ive chosen in which i wish to plant my seed
the way your eyes light up the sky
they make my heart skip and my emotions fly
your hair falls upoun your shoulders with such bliss
and everytime i say goodbye i know its you im gonna miss
the way you talk to me and hold my hand
it takes me from earth and puts me on a new land
a country were dreams can come true
its only sole inhabitants are me and you
when were together reality dosen't seem real
there's nothing i have to hide or no secrets u have to conceal
because i can tell you everything thats on my mind
and you treat me with respect and your ever so kind
to me your the light in the dark
you can guide me out of anywhere with your inner spark
your the part of me i dont wanna live without
because i can't stop smiling when your about
i love you baby with all my heart
and if its up to me we'll never be apart

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