Raj Arumugam Poems

Hit Title Date Added
We Rolled Over In Our Beds

what did we do?
we made love and rolled over in our beds;
and whispered sweet words as afterplay
and whispered words of genuine love

The Millionth Visitor

this popup banner
colorful and evocative
of Goddess Good Luck
and Dame Good Fortune

All Who Speak Of God

all who speak of God
in such loving terms
are the same
(I do not say obscene,

Song On Being Careful With One's Hard-Earned Money

Don’t break your dollar
get it home intact, brother
Be it twenty or thirty
be clever and thrifty -

That Poem

Poet A And Poet B: A Funny Poem

poet A stayed in the tried lines
of safe society and accepted notions
and sanctity and decorum and respect;
poet B chose what one could see for oneself

The Little Fruit-Seller

how many coins do we have? you count
and I’ll see; call out as you count, tell me
how much exactly; and then how many days
it will take us to…Little Boy with his crutches

Adults Only

hey, you adults -
you oafs, you ogres, you nincompoops
big-headed, pigheaded
you unwieldy, big, overgrown humans

Exciting Poem With Exclamation Marks! ! !

Oh noble exclamation mark!
I expel! I exclaim!
Oh most excitable exclamation mark!

The Semi-Colon

it would appear the semi-colon
has an identity crisis;
it might appear
it can’t decide if it’s a dot

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