Ramdas Bhandarkar Poems

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I never knew who is He/she/it?
Yet the love that rained and my heart was the field where someone sow Love seeds,
seed that sprout and bloomed,
Brushing aside weeds,

You Are The Producer And Director!

Stars and galaxies,
The meteors, comets and planets,
The sun and moon,
All look silent!

Who Will Burst, Bubble Or World?

O, traveller, you are not at any deadend,
The world of beauty is not lost,
The paradise neither gained nor lost,
Only you are a traveller,

Mindful And Thoughtful Is Better Than Successful!

Mindful and thoughtful,
The one understands nothing is True than one's own Self and its talent.

The meaningful life is not a dream,

Poem Of Child 1

Wondering at the world,
Feeling the soft touch of hands,
And warmth of her breast,
Smelling her fragrance,

O Nature, I Owe You More!

O nature, My body and senses gifted by you,
I owe You More,
In your lap I learned a lot, gained to energy to soar,
High in the sky clouds roar,

Poem Of Child 2

I played with dogs and cats at home,
cows and buffalo in the shed,
But strange was when
I played with my friends,

Say I Am You!

the speck of a star dust,
Filling a ray of light,
Get Exited to roam here and there!

Know Thyself!

Ah! The speck of a star dust,
Filling a ray of light,
Get Exited to roam here and
there! The one who has neither born,

Life Immortal!

Nothing less, nothing more,
The flash of billion Galaxies,
The glowing stars,
Revolving planets,

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