robert dickerson Poems

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Bus Poem #4

A bird drops from the sky, hops to a new twig.
From the ground a cat spies him, falls in love.
Birdie strops his beak on a branch.
Cat pretends not to notice.

Behind The Waterfall 3

The waters tumble from the steep
and mingle in the gorge
but inches, darling, from our feet,
but inches from the verge;

Like A Hurricane

Like a hurricane
Memory lashes my heart
ravaging coastlands
suddenly veering inland

The Sun Has Come Out To Play

The sun has come out to play-ole!
after long darkness wrapped us in its spell
even a blind man could tell
so powerful its penetrating ray

Haiku 3

Little Bird Blue

Little bird blue red
berries from both sides of the branch
wants a balanced diet.

After A Great Storm

After a great storm the sun comes out
never more delicious or abundant-
flowers blossom, never more resplendent:
show their petals in between the stout

Behind The Waterfall 1

Put up your shears, put down your hoe
spurning stern, enjoining reason;
leave every labor you may owe
the day, the hour and the season;

Superman Bound

It seems like a dream now-
my life above ground
flyin' around, gettin' stuff done
doin' lotsa' good


Summers' end
what song to sing?
the squawk-chop of the cicadas?
doomed choir, a bit too stoic and remote.

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