robert dickerson Poems

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A Victory-On-The-Bus Poem

</></></>There. I have memorized the entire Iliad.
Over literally thousands of bus rides I have memorized the Iliad.
Not just the highlights but the poem entire and whole.
Hundreds of pages, chapters, episodes and scenes.

A Victory-On-The-Bus Poem Ii

</></>Bicker, bicker, bicker. What a goosey lot.
For if you think bickering sounds bad in English
You really should hear it in Lacedemonian Greek;
And to feel the waves, black as mavrodavne,

Overnight Storm

Shaken, as from allnight labor, the marigolds
lean their heads against the windowbox,


Just Kidding

'How do you like kids? ' she said.
'Well-done, I replied.
'I (she said) couldn't disagree more
'They're much better rare.'

There Was An Island...

There was an island in the deep, blue sea
where no one ever died or was born
because these hum-drum events were profane
to the god whose getaway it was-don't ask me why.

There Was An Island...Ii

And enjoyed their work. They loved bright colors; wove, spun,
spoke a strange mellifluous language, laughed alot,
forgave much, didn't know what money was,
didn't have cell phones or I-Pods or Google,

Three Serial Haikus

Larry feeds Basho,
still the thing won't go, orchid-
grass and timothy.


March light, the sun fan-like in Pisces, the annual ebullience.
how we feel better with a little UVB.
Catastrophe and elegances unfurled.
Energy to conjugate a verb. 'te quiero'. Not like the girl

Journal Jotting

Andalusia, pursued by Furies, may have a panic disorder.
Will it work?
$150 per month, divided between the kids by the grandmother.
Will it work? Out?


Broken nails and blackened teeth
both the known bane of liars
spare you, Verena, ok, but
why should I believe you?

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