Robert Ronnow Poems

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The Secret Of Quality Is Love

Which is it: you can't get started unless
you're riding some current bigger than your reporting
or the best time to write is when you don't have much

A Job In The Garden Of Eden

In a strong marriage, a long marriage
much cannot be said, should not be said.
The spots on one's skin will be wisely ignored.
Differences of opinion are tolerated, not debated.

Fundamental Physics

The four fundamental forces:
Zeus, Aphrodite, Ares (or Mars) , and Adam and Eve.

          < < + > >                   > > - < <

Enduring Spinning

You can feel it spinning
the Chinese, Japanese, American and European junk
orbiting at several thousand miles per hour could

The Ordinary Care Of Providence

Madison's defense of the establishment clause to the
      Virginia legislature:
'Religion both existed and flourished, not only without the support of human laws, but in spite of every opposition from them, and not only during the period of miraculous aid but long after it had been left to its own evidence and the ordinary care of Providence.'

Nineteen Minutes To Bedtime

Jack just had a big fight with his son Zach about it. He
I'm tired of hearing how you're too tired to do your
      homework. You're

Exponential Decay Function

Spring is in its prime again
each leaf beautiful
much is edible
birds and peepers are musical at dawn.

Aging As A Spiritual Practice

Beautiful summer day. You know you're gonna die
that's why you know no joy.
Obsessed with self, there is no answer
unless religion, tv, stories, sports matter.


In last night's movie, a young writer
and an older, married with children French woman
fall in love. They did not meet during a village massacre
and money is no object, Manhattan

Out Of Emptiness

Out of emptiness comes this:
Purposes as incomprehensible and wonderful as these
Either you had no purpose or the purpose is beyond the

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