Shaila Touchton Poems

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I Am Proud Of My Husband!

I am proud of my husband because he had the strength to work and take care of me and our child.
I am Proud of my husband because he had allowed me to be a stay Home Mom while many husbands send their wives to work outside home.
I am proud of my husband because he never reminds me of my past sorrows.
I am Proud of my Husband because He is a wonderful father and a Great Provider.

He Is My God Jesus!

He is the First and Last, the Beginning and the End!
He is the keeper of Creation and the Creator of all!
He is the creative agent and the image of God!
He is our Passover, our great High priest and the Head of the church!

Bible, The Word Of God!

Bible is the Holy Book inspired by God and is life-changing
It's the word of God, living and active,
Sharper than any double edged sword
It's the revelation of God to the world

I Praise And Thank God!

I praise and thank God for his Majesty
I praise and thank God for his Glory
I praise and thank God for his Excellency
I praise and thank God for his greatness.

Happy Birthday To My Beloved Son Oliver Emmanuel Touchton!

I prayed for you so much and God answered my prayers by sending you in my life
You are God's special child came into my life to give my life a meaning
My Son Oliver Emmanuel you are the miraculous gift, sent from God above
Today is not just your birthday, but a gift of life from God

Trust In The Lord!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
Lean not on your own understanding
For those who love God all things work together for good
Acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths

The First And Second Coming Of Jesus Christ!

Jesus Christ came to earth as a newborn baby in a manger in Bethlehem.
During the second coming of Jesus Christ, He will defeat the Antichrist, destroy evil, and establish His Millennial Kingdom.
When Jesus came first He died, to pay the penalty for the sins of the world.
During His second coming, He will come to be man's judge.

Incredible India!

We are the Indians noted for our humanness and calm nature
With no harshness in our Principles and ideals.
We are open minded, emotional and good natured
Our emotions speaks louder than words

A Godly Father

Godly father is a man of God and a man of prayers
He is careful to lead a blameless life
He fears God and is obedient to His Word
Walks in house with blameless heart

Faith In Christ!

Faith in Christ brings salvation
Faith in Christ brings answers to prayer
Faith in Christ brings all the benefits of salvation into our lives
Faith in Christ brings healings and delivery

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